The bloody hard decision I just made...

...figured I'd share it with you (for a reason)

I toyed with sharing this, because it’s deeply personal and I tend to keep some things in my life private. It’s also the kind of stuff I generally share with the membership community. But the background information and issues behind what I’ve been wrestling with - I feel - is too important not to share widely. And so…

I mention the foster agency KARI…here’s the details (and feel free to post questions below).

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Here’s a link to my Instagram feed where you’ll find the Zach Rolfe texts and the Hawthorn FC news.

Here’s the chat I did with Professor Megan Davis that I refer to:

I also came across this comment re the Hawthorn FC horribleness from the writer Gideon Haigh:

Yes…it’s not about us (white folk). And it’s about listening.

PS If you want to join the membership community, it’s $5 a month…just hit this button below:

Over and out!

Sarah xx

This is Precious
This is Precious
Sarah Wilson