I spent an incalculable amount of time musing over Bad Art Friend instead of being a normal person last week. You're right, the issue is totally granular, but for me the main takeaway was about consent and ethics. Both the women profiled in that piece were playing two different games; I think there's a lot of value and poignancy in just asking for consent when somebody's story inspires me. It opens up a new conversation, invites a different order of creativity. Thanks Sarah!

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Yes, yes, Sarah. Get vaccinated for the greater. For my elderly parents who will die if they got COVID. That was more than enough for me to do it. And love those of us who disagree and are sticking to their guns not getting vaccinated.

Individualism .. I'm reflecting a lot on this. The 'modern self' ... and we've lost the notion of 'companionship', journeying together through life with some folk where real vulnerability and love for the other exists so we accept and agree to disagree.

Lovely having you drop back into my inbox each week, dear Sarah.

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Vax Bitching, wow nothing like a friendly discussion. Love that you’re so on board with the governments take on the science, I thought you had an issue with our governments interpretation of science or are they only wrong about climate science?

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Sarah - you have a way of writing like you're speaking, and speaking like a well-researched journalist, and journalist-ing with a realness, a human-ness I feel we are all missing in the attempts to be enlightened with objectivity. The change which needs to arise is a entrenched in human nature, which is driven by stories. So thank you for sharing the way you do, re-storying what needs fresh eyes and placing those highlights and footnotes on the vast and complex issues requiring our swift attention.

I waver between feeling guttered, enraged and helpless with climate action, to rising with optimism about the resources we DO have to shift the game - *if* we move together. Your work helps lift me into the latter, again and again. Thank you.

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Thank you Sarah, what a wonderful read! I confess my eyes pricked a little when I read the line about the ‘familiarity and emotional congruence’ of rising for the collective - which is exactly to your point, I suppose. I agree, therein lies the power of great leaders, and also a lot of great art, I think. Sadly, I can also think of occasions when that yearning has been cynically manipulated to terrible ends. Perhaps all the more reason we need inspiring leaders to harness it for ‘good.’ I’ve been ruminating on the concept of freedom within boundaries a lot recently. It’s so often written about in the context of children, that appropriate boundaries provide a sense of security and thus actually inspire more freedom. It makes sense that the same remains true as we get older, although the boundaries might expand and become more complex (here, the tension with individualism). I look forward to reading Brooks’ article. Thank you again!

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