Bravo! Beautiful. I particularly like the Liam Neeson section, you have drawn out the nuance of where and how you have lost hope which feels really important. You know I have been sitting with this for months as well - the JM quote "Do we cling to [hope] righteously because it is crucial, or because we favour the comfort of positivity?" …
Bravo! Beautiful. I particularly like the Liam Neeson section, you have drawn out the nuance of where and how you have lost hope which feels really important. You know I have been sitting with this for months as well - the JM quote "Do we cling to [hope] righteously because it is crucial, or because we favour the comfort of positivity?" Still feels like it has medicine in it for me to unpick.
Your intro with pandoras box - it occurs to me that the geological presence of fossil fuels on earth for us to discover and use and misuse seems like the ultimate trick box. A trap that was set millennia ago.
I also like your juxtaposition of Hope/Relief, not hope/despair or similar, that is very powerful. xo
Bravo! Beautiful. I particularly like the Liam Neeson section, you have drawn out the nuance of where and how you have lost hope which feels really important. You know I have been sitting with this for months as well - the JM quote "Do we cling to [hope] righteously because it is crucial, or because we favour the comfort of positivity?" Still feels like it has medicine in it for me to unpick.
Your intro with pandoras box - it occurs to me that the geological presence of fossil fuels on earth for us to discover and use and misuse seems like the ultimate trick box. A trap that was set millennia ago.
I also like your juxtaposition of Hope/Relief, not hope/despair or similar, that is very powerful. xo
the juxtaposition is actually hope/truth per the next chapter!
Greek myths have so many applications...or more to the point, morals are universal!