Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

What I worry about with the Huberman’s “expose” is how this behaviour will not only be normalised but idealised by his 20something male fanatic audience.

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Hey Sarah,

It’s exciting to hear that you’re back in Paris and I hope you had a good night’s sleep after your arrival!

I think it was me who sent you the Pankaj Mishra article, and I’m so glad that you’ve shared it here, as it’s such a worthwhile read. Two other pieces that explore similar ideas are Masha Gessen’s controversial essay, ‘In the Shadow of the Holocaust’, and the two chapters on Israel-Palestine in Naomi Klein’s Doppelgänger book, which Naomi’s provided a free link to on her website:



I look forward to diving into the other long read you’ve shared…

On the subject of travelling (and living) lightly, I agree so much with everything you’ve said about the benefits of living this way. Our family of five can currently fit all our worldly possessions in the boot and roof of our 4WD, and even this much ‘stuff’ is starting to feel like too much. We’re working towards living and travelling with just one backpack each, and I can’t wait to reduce our belongings down even further. It’s an incredibly liberating way to live, and I’ve personally found that the less I have, the less I want. Our kids are also becoming less and less materialistic, though we are lugging around about 20kg of Lego!

Does anyone here follow Robin Greenfield? I love the life experiments he conducts to encourage others to live more minimally and sustainably. He wrote a post on Facebook the other day about his complete wardrobe of 19 items that are all hand-made, made from natural fibres (wool, linen, cotton and deer skin) and naturally dyed. It’s also food for thought / inspiration (and makes me want to learn how to sew):




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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Sarah you are one of the reasons I stopped buying clothes. I was already travelling light but not living light. Still trying to distribute the too many clothes/possessions that I have. Love your approach to laundry too!

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Almost Huberman'd! Phew, Sarah :)

A necessary hit piece? I think so. Even more so since his self-awareness and internal work is his calling card, and is largely what has made him a 'guru'. Playing house, lying about monogamy (and having unprotected sex), and planning families with multiple women is ABUSE. And it needs to be named as such. And tech (dating apps and social media) can be the fuel for this type of behaviour, unfortunatley. It will be really interesting to see how he responds to this. A series of podcasts to explore and further normalize his "love addiction"? Or maybe he comes clean on the misogyny and abuse, owns up to it, and really does the work, and is a positive influence to his over 6M Insta (mostly male I think) followers.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Thank you for another great newsletter. I remember your green shorts. (RIP) We have to normalise repeat outfits. I have a long way to go on cutting down, while I don't shop new often, I've been op-shopping a bit too much lately.

Synchronicity or whatever is called, just in the past few weeks I was discussing Huberman and the Joe Rogans of the world with a male colleague, who was praising the first 2. I immediately dismissed Rogan. I tried Huberman's podcast a few times some years back, maybe during Covid? like most people, I was curious. But I don't know, I'm getting tired of the therapy talk, the big fancy words, the know-it-all-dudes. Also, it's mostly dudes interviewing dudes and they all go around the same circle. At some point, I overdosed on self-help, improve yourself, get healthier information. The crunch for me is when they start peddling supplements and multi-vitamins, which, especially in the US are not regulated, you can make whatever claims you want, and put the "proprietary" label which allows you to not state ingredients and quantities. I know I'm not telling you anything new Sarah.

I read the hitjob on Huberman. Admittedly, recently I've been taking a bit too much joy from seeing that certain "gurus" are being found out not to be so mighty and great (sorry/not sorry). I may enjoy a bit schadenfreude, confirmation bias etc., but I can also recognise that there's not much of value for the public interest in that piece. I've also seen comments like, "wow, he's messing with 3 women in the same day his "method" is working great." I don't know why I still expect men of a certain age to be different. If they were out about just being interested in hook-ups, fine, but when you play house with women who dream of families with you, while you're playing others on the side, that makes my blood boil. You were on point about that kind of man. You sure dodged a bullet there.

I hope you get over the jetlag quickly. Paris must be lovely in spring.

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Thanks Sarah,

That discussion with Liv was just what I needed.

Especially after reading the story about Andrew.

It got me down and into a little bit of a funk , reading about the pain that we cause to ourselves and to others.

Interestingly enough astrologically, right now we are reaping what we have sown, regarding relationships of all types.

And it’s pointing out how or where our behaviour needs to change so that we can play the game of love and life as it should and wants to be played.

Besides the woo woo stuff, yes, this will be a massive wake up call for him and many others.

Loved Livs positivity and points regarding the nature of life. This gave me a little insight , if I am not curious and having fun , as if this is a game. Then I am most likely in a state Moloch.

Reminds me of a good argument with a friend, or a game of tennis , or boxing, or even a really damn good argument with a lover.

You want to be hit with something good and true , so that you can up your game also. The sting of defeat or an uncomfortable truth can be such a positive thing. When you are playing with others who want to play fair.

I love to be reminded of this.

Especially when life is dropping lemons on me, or is literally or metaphorically kicking my ass. Laugh at the storm, don’t try and trick it, fix it or optimise dopamine in order to beat it. The game is playing with you and is waiting for your best shot ☺️

That line “love is that which enables choice” 🙏🏼

Heard a lot of truth in your observation that we have lost contact with the guardrails and rules which in the past kept the game somewhat moving in a positive direction.

Deregulation , the death of god , and a loss of respect for discipline and integrity has given rise to way to much Moloch energy in the world today.

Thanks for getting your faith back too Sarah.

It feels that these are the days that will define us , and we have some listening to do to the elders who are still with us. Along with listening to our own hearts.

In order to set the wishes for the future and the parameters, boundaries and guides which will lead us there as we play together nicely.

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Reading this was like opening a box of chocolates and wondering which one to ear first! I skimmed it all and lingered over all the bits and found your succinct 'what's on my travel bag ' account perfect! Like a praline whirl 👌🏻

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Sar, I'm pleased you've arrived safely. And may the first days be full of gentleness as your body attunes. 🙏

I love how 108 regularly pops up in your life.

Grace and peace ...xx

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

“Algorithmic rise to gurudom” 👏👏 love your turn of phrase. And so thought provoking about the people society glibly grants ‘expert’ status to , who in all reality have no better answers than anyone else and have no right to advise other people on how to live their lives. There is a crucial difference between being entertaining and being genuinely helpfully enlightening

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

One month until I embark on my 6 month trip, let’s see how I go in the packing department, I’m tipping I won’t be as efficient as this but I’ll be trying my best to “travel light” ☺️✈️

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Wow Sarah, I really must try and get on dating apps 😉

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Mar 28Liked by Sarah Wilson

Gosh, what a great expose. The guru who is not quite right and the women followers who fall at his feet only to be manipulated and used to pleasure his ego. I’ve been a fan of his podcasts for a while and recently attended his sold out Talk in Melbourne. About 6000 of us apparently. I was impressed by his presence on stage. You could hear a pin drop. He was funny and told us of his nerdy obsession with cuttlefish as a young boy. Very sweet. I’m a fan of his beautiful voice, his masculine warrior man gruff appearance and his willingness to be open minded to the Non sciency topics his guests bring to his podcast. I did often wonder if he had a girlfriend and frankly I’m not surprised that he is a tad fucked up in the relationship/intimacy part of his life. His mind seems made and trained and wired for the logic of science. Certainly not naturally wired to fully appreciate the complexity of what a women brings into a relationship. The nurturing and love we thrust upon the men we let into our lives is extraordinary. I do hope the article has some impact on him learning a new neurological pathway, in his brain and in his behaviour, allowing him to connect more authentically and honestly in partnership and in relationships in general. The article just made me feel desperately sad for him.

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Just listened to the interview with Liv Booree. Great discussion. The notion of win win is of course not new and I think a lot of community development work at least aims to do this. But how do we embed it in our hearts, our actions, our systems and institutions. I think this is what the UN global development goals aim to do. We lift everyone and we all benefit - hopefully materially but certainly relationally/spiritually/ethically.

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Sarah, I love the light packing/light living details). I have made a note of everything so I can come back to this when I need it for myself (hopefully by Jan next year - still getting my ducks in a row. sigh). I just want to check you know about OneDrive where you can store documents etc through outlook and access anywhere (I understand you might not want to - I think its cloud based but I'm worried what happens if you misplace your hard drive?!) I was also wondering what you think about these ideas:

- a pair of thongs? I wear mine everywhere - so Australian I know. Sigh. Again

- I have invested in some Frankie4 nude flats and white sneakers with kind of longer-term packing/living in mind so I think these will work

- I always have a wrap/pashmina/shawl - pull over me when I sleep on a plane, cover shoulders if chilly outside, cover hair/shoulders/knees when visiting mosques and temples etc. This is one thing I cna't live without.

- I am obsessed with this Lululemon skirt (I don't know anything about this brand, ethics etc and have no affiliation) but it is high quality active wear but looks smart and I wear it every day at the moment. I think you would like it Sarah (I can send you one if you need!) - https://www.lululemon.com.au/en-au/p/nulu-slim-fit-high-rise-skirt/prod11400028.html?dwvar_prod11400028_color=30210

- what do you think about portable phone chargers? I can never find one that works properly...

- small lightweight absorbent towel?

- kindle?

- what do you do if you go somewhere really cold with snow?

Love to hear your thoughts. Hope you are enjoying being back in Paris :)

Amy x

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Wilson

Sounds like you dodged a bullet with Huberman. I read that article this morning and also pondered the reason for it being written/published. Perhaps it’s as you suggest: exposing another “guru”. I felt a bit sleazy after I read it though. Will give that reaction more thought….

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Mar 31Liked by Sarah Wilson

It is always a pleasure to feel this warm and curious attitude of yours, thank you! 😊 As I live close to Paris, here is a message in a bottle: I'd be really happy to have an opportunity to chat with you, and this could be around a swimming session. I am a former Olympic swimmer who dove deep in the Feldenkrais Method, which makes these sessions... interesting 😇 IG @vladimirlatocha In any case, enjoy your stay! 😊

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