Mar 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Wilson

Having just reacquainted myself with Neale Donald Walsh’s extraordinary ‘Conversation with god’, I think all the answers to how this earth could operate on a very different level are in there. We are magnificent…everyone of us…Regardless of your chosen religious ideal..we simply need to remember what we already know. Just a thought. x

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Sarah Wilson

Hello! Thanks for another great post and podcast. When I saw this latest one was with Margaret Atwood I was like wow - she's a very big deal! Well done Sarah.

One thing that does help me get through these tough times are when I hear that it's not a world where every one is out for themselves and 'evil prevails', which is what gets pushed alot in the media, business etc.

I absolutely love love love the 'pay attention to better stuff'. I'm also doing posts on my socials where I encourage people to get off scrolling through the Kardashians, Murdoch press, sensationalised media, or Instagram's influencers who are selling the 'must-have' shoes, bags etc. Today I posted to ask people to write to their MP about the Safeguard Mechanism legislation, which would take 5 minutes with Chat GPT, as much as people spend scrolling mindlessly.

Have you heard of '#De-influencing'? Maybe I got it from you! But I love this - trying to discourage overconsumption that the IG influencer economy pushes. Maybe you could do a podcast ep about that.

I especially love the vibes beget vibes. I love it when someone messages me about a post I've done about something political, societal or environmental, about stuff that matters. I encourage people to msg me if they disagree so we can have a chat about it and sometimes they do!

The part about it being more important than ever to cooperate rather than compete is something I try to keep forefront. Maybe I've said this before but Charles Eisenstein has some good stuff on this. He did a series on Commune about how the biggest problem we have right now is polarization. (He and also Jeff Krasno, Commune's founder could be great podcast gusests also).

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Wilson

Which leaves me to believe that Eve played a far more important role. Adam's rib I think not.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Wilson

Thank you Sarah. I'm just sitting down to write a difficult email and that Salma Hayek clip is the message I needed.

Thank you for everything you do. I'm a huge fan of Wild and your books. You've been an enormous help for years as I've tackled anxiety, climate change and in the past, corporate sugar. Wishing you a happy IWD and all the best in your next adventure.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Sarah Wilson

Happy Women’s Day, Sarah. I love that idea of anti-rivalrous. I spent a nourishing 3 hours with a friend yesterday. We hadn’t seen each other in a long while. Things have changed. We’ve shifted spaces, going through menopause, grieving youth and idealism, I guess. She is anti-vax and I’m pro. But we kept coming back to that idea of accepting others, growth, expansion I guess you can call it, open hearts, just trying in hardship to make kinder decisions for ourselves and others. I know there’s bigger things going on but I think if we don’t know where to start, just start with yourself and the people you care most about. I do believe it can have a flow on effect. Anyway thanks for your courage, honesty, keeping it real, allowing people to see your flaws, your thinking process. It really is inspiring. Big love ❤️

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Sarah Wilson

Bless you, dear Sarah. Happy Women's Day to you.

Thank you for that wonderful Vivienne Westwood quote. A tremendous philosophy for life, really.

And well done on chatting with Margaret Atwood. I'm fascinated to listen to it.

Go well, dear Sarah. xx

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Sarah Wilson

God bless women, I can't imagine living in this world without them. Happy #IWD

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Australian sociologist Hugh McKay has written about cooperation and he’s the least bro guru man I can think of. I have to say I just don’t have the energy for engaging with YouTube gurus on any topic, it’s such a masculine male led space. So they’re talking about the end of a system but they’re perpetuating that system by placing themselves as the experts. It’s exhausting being around that energy. I loved the Hayek clip. You and Me vs the problem not You vs Me. Brilliant!

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I’ve got two young kids so am at the stage of pondering what sort of education we want them to have, and a lot of the conversations I have with other parents in our community are about how our current education system encourages competitiveness and rivalry right from the early grades. Imagine if we could teach anti-rivalry to our kids so they didn’t have to do the hard unlearning we are all doing now.

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Thank you for a great Margaret Atwood podcast. This article is great and I will share with my management team at work.

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It really is. I think there are two (of many) messages that I take from it. Firstly, that we need to simply have more faith and less fear. We all have experience of thinking the worst, our brains are hard wired now to do just that, only to find that the outcome of a situation was just fine. Secondly, that Love is the physical manifestation of the god condition. God (whatever or whoever you need that image to be) can only be 'god' through us. So we are all, individually 'god', or, true creators. Everything we as humans having a physical experience as our souls move through...do, is a choice. We can choose to end famine. Choose to stop f**king the planet. Choose to stop the terrible disparity between those who have and those who don't. But...we don't. So yes. It is a classic. And I love that god is also a woman...signifying that gender is now as fluid as ever.....So, more LOVE less fear. They are opposites.

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