Sarah, I love this format as a replacement for Wild. Wild was so beautiful and no doubt required so much work - I imagine this is easier and faster for you to produce but the content and the ideas still sing clearly. It feels very human - kicking the butt of perfection and just getting stuff done. Thank you! Also, I found this chat rather uplifting and a humble reminder that we can't see the great arc of history when we are in it - the idea that AI could foment the revolution - perfect! xo
Thanks Sarah and Daniel for sharing your conversation in this format. It was interesting.
Here is one big comment-
I’ve been reflecting a lot this week on how my awareness keeps expanding at break-neck speed. It feels like swimming and diving under wave after wave. When I was at uni in 2021 my lecturer had a slide with 3 waves on it that grew in size- covid, recession, then climate change overarching everything. I left uni ready to work in the world of sustainable development trade-offs, biodiversity restoration and the green tech fairytale. It wasn’t until last year- my first year working in local government that I knew fully that something else was up. Metacrisis and collapse was playing out in my everyday life.
Some days I can’t believe the amount of information and chaos my brain and body is processing, layer on top of layer. New networks of thought growing in my brain like a superhighway, except multi-directional and grounded in my heart & intuition. I keep remaining open to these vital conversations because, it is necessary- my family and community depend on me to translate the bs from the truth and forecast ahead (where possible). Resilience requires sanity and unity. I feel this Substack community really cares about the same things- they want to care, be aware, and safeguard what goodness we have left. Our choices matter so much.
If I am being honest, the only way I have been able to sanely get through this metacrisis and collapse awareness journey over the past year is by also leaning into nature’s wisdom and astrology at the same time. And I am glad your book, Sarah, has been getting us leaning into the right brain hemisphere and bigger existential ponderings. I’ve also found my way back to the Gene Keys, Eckhart Tolle, and other teachings that I take in small doses to balance out everything I’m feeling and experiencing around me in the world. I am very aware that this sounds woo-woo to some people and even my own science background has me somewhat resisting further spiritual harmony. But then there are people out there, such as in the US oligarchy sphere, trying to break apart what harmony we have now as a collective. Atomise us into further complexity. So I keep pushing my own consciousness to expand and I keep building connections and relationships- this is my resistance.
I also feel that it is very important to have my physical experience rooted in what is really happening in the world- that we are meant to sit and deal with these times no matter how difficult. I feel what is real and not sure I agree with the whole ‘consciousness is just a projection’ theory. A friend of mine tried to tell me that last year as a strategy of bypassing all the conversations we could have had on climate change, collapse, Gaza, US election, energy crisis, Ukraine, AI...
Thanks Emma. Yes, I am also very wary of the spiritual bypassing going's not right time in history for that. Now, we are being called to rise and meet the moment. X
Great discussion! I’m definitely returning to the mystical - readings, rituals, being in nature. I’ve always been partial to paganism. Maybe it’s time to go full pelt! Thanks Sarah, to you and Daniel. I’m checking my local library for his works right now! Looking forward to future live interviews.
I loved this conversation. I did Ayahuasca about fifteen years ago with the Achuar tribe in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It was like ten years of therapy in one night. This conversation makes me want to do another dose. I need to be reminded, during this distressing time of collapse, that there’s something more expansive under the surface. Thank you Sarah and Daniel.
Fantastic. Thank you so much - voices of sanity and compassion and perspective in this insane world! And thanks also for putting me on to Martha Beck, whose Anxiety and Creativity book is stunning and so needed at this time. I teach creative writing and do art and neurological research proves, she demonstrates, that it is impossible to feel anxious while we are creating. Given the world and the dominance of the fossil fuel corps in Australia, for example,we must get accustomed to more and more trauma. Creative pursuits are a way of staying sane within that. And gardening etc - anything you do that expresses YOU is creative. It doesn't have to be painting or sculpting. It's in our everyday lives - I've always believed this and now it is imperative that people know this and take back some of their own power.
Oh I am so happy you are doing these! I miss Wild but look forward to more of these...particularly the one with Sharon Blackie! This was a great chat and I'm looking forward to exploring more of Daniel's work. Thank you for posting it here, as much as I would love to join in live, 3am is not an option for me!
A fabulous grown up conversation, lots to cogitate on and I will definitely be signing up for more of Daniels writing. I like the trusting in the cosmic order of things far bigger than us.
With that in mind I have been exploring archetypes and what they can tell us about now and the power structures of cultural transformation.
Sarah, I love this format as a replacement for Wild. Wild was so beautiful and no doubt required so much work - I imagine this is easier and faster for you to produce but the content and the ideas still sing clearly. It feels very human - kicking the butt of perfection and just getting stuff done. Thank you! Also, I found this chat rather uplifting and a humble reminder that we can't see the great arc of history when we are in it - the idea that AI could foment the revolution - perfect! xo
Thank Gillian. Yep, and it doesn't cost me!
Love it!
I found it very uplifting too Gillian x
Thanks Sarah and Daniel for sharing your conversation in this format. It was interesting.
Here is one big comment-
I’ve been reflecting a lot this week on how my awareness keeps expanding at break-neck speed. It feels like swimming and diving under wave after wave. When I was at uni in 2021 my lecturer had a slide with 3 waves on it that grew in size- covid, recession, then climate change overarching everything. I left uni ready to work in the world of sustainable development trade-offs, biodiversity restoration and the green tech fairytale. It wasn’t until last year- my first year working in local government that I knew fully that something else was up. Metacrisis and collapse was playing out in my everyday life.
Some days I can’t believe the amount of information and chaos my brain and body is processing, layer on top of layer. New networks of thought growing in my brain like a superhighway, except multi-directional and grounded in my heart & intuition. I keep remaining open to these vital conversations because, it is necessary- my family and community depend on me to translate the bs from the truth and forecast ahead (where possible). Resilience requires sanity and unity. I feel this Substack community really cares about the same things- they want to care, be aware, and safeguard what goodness we have left. Our choices matter so much.
If I am being honest, the only way I have been able to sanely get through this metacrisis and collapse awareness journey over the past year is by also leaning into nature’s wisdom and astrology at the same time. And I am glad your book, Sarah, has been getting us leaning into the right brain hemisphere and bigger existential ponderings. I’ve also found my way back to the Gene Keys, Eckhart Tolle, and other teachings that I take in small doses to balance out everything I’m feeling and experiencing around me in the world. I am very aware that this sounds woo-woo to some people and even my own science background has me somewhat resisting further spiritual harmony. But then there are people out there, such as in the US oligarchy sphere, trying to break apart what harmony we have now as a collective. Atomise us into further complexity. So I keep pushing my own consciousness to expand and I keep building connections and relationships- this is my resistance.
I also feel that it is very important to have my physical experience rooted in what is really happening in the world- that we are meant to sit and deal with these times no matter how difficult. I feel what is real and not sure I agree with the whole ‘consciousness is just a projection’ theory. A friend of mine tried to tell me that last year as a strategy of bypassing all the conversations we could have had on climate change, collapse, Gaza, US election, energy crisis, Ukraine, AI...
Thanks Emma. Yes, I am also very wary of the spiritual bypassing going's not right time in history for that. Now, we are being called to rise and meet the moment. X
... I keep pushing my own consciousness to expand and I keep building connections and relationships- this is my resistance.
thanks for this post, it resonates with my experience also and I concur unabashedly with the above "mission statement-ish" line. great words.
Great discussion! I’m definitely returning to the mystical - readings, rituals, being in nature. I’ve always been partial to paganism. Maybe it’s time to go full pelt! Thanks Sarah, to you and Daniel. I’m checking my local library for his works right now! Looking forward to future live interviews.
me too
sooooooo the time to go full pelt!!!!
I loved this conversation. I did Ayahuasca about fifteen years ago with the Achuar tribe in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It was like ten years of therapy in one night. This conversation makes me want to do another dose. I need to be reminded, during this distressing time of collapse, that there’s something more expansive under the surface. Thank you Sarah and Daniel.
I did a Mother ceremony two years ago and i don't think I could have written the collapse book without it....or at least not felt so deeply into it.
Awesome! Please join my newsletter if inspired. Also you might enjoy the book I co-wrote on ayahuasca: When Plants Dream
Fantastic. Thank you so much - voices of sanity and compassion and perspective in this insane world! And thanks also for putting me on to Martha Beck, whose Anxiety and Creativity book is stunning and so needed at this time. I teach creative writing and do art and neurological research proves, she demonstrates, that it is impossible to feel anxious while we are creating. Given the world and the dominance of the fossil fuel corps in Australia, for example,we must get accustomed to more and more trauma. Creative pursuits are a way of staying sane within that. And gardening etc - anything you do that expresses YOU is creative. It doesn't have to be painting or sculpting. It's in our everyday lives - I've always believed this and now it is imperative that people know this and take back some of their own power.
Have you read my chapter in the Collapse book - We Must Create Art in the Apocalypse? It's a free chapter
I will check it out!
Oh I am so happy you are doing these! I miss Wild but look forward to more of these...particularly the one with Sharon Blackie! This was a great chat and I'm looking forward to exploring more of Daniel's work. Thank you for posting it here, as much as I would love to join in live, 3am is not an option for me!
A fabulous grown up conversation, lots to cogitate on and I will definitely be signing up for more of Daniels writing. I like the trusting in the cosmic order of things far bigger than us.
With that in mind I have been exploring archetypes and what they can tell us about now and the power structures of cultural transformation.
Thanks mate! Daniel explores a fair whack of that...
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY to you Sarah and to all the lovely women on this platform.
Ah, thank you!! A day to reignite the fight. x
Interesting chat, as always.
Thought provoking.Well done.
Yay Sarah- this inreviewer aspect of you is back!
So good to hear!🥰
Really enjoyed this Sarah, thanks to both you and Daniel.