I, too, am interested in Ayurveda. I’d highly recommend people look at Hale Pule. They have tons of information, a lot specifically aimed at women, that has been really valuable for me. I am Kapha Vata and notice when my vata is in excess I feel absolutely awful. Thanks for the lovely post!

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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson

I haven't read all of what you posted today - I will but I have to admit that just prior to seeing your email I had stepped out of the shower after bawling my eyes out because I feel so useless and insignificant - angry and frustrated. The trigger was seeing Clive Palmer talking about spending money on recreating the Titanic when there are so many great people with dynamic ideas who just need some financial assistance to get bring their ideas to fruition and can't get the funding because what they are wanting to do is improve humanity ergo doesn't generate monetary profit.

Then I see you want funding for an Ethics Centre that is going to facilitate academics and people already in leadership positions to have yet another think tank. There are so many ordinary people with common sense and, again, dynamic and practical ideas to improve humanity that can't get a platform because they weren't born into the right families, aren't genetically gifted but work tirelessly at being generous and won't be considered for the board.

This is where my frustration lies - how can the ordinary people be heard?

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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson

So interesting. I've heard it mentioned many times but keen to dive in...ancient ways are so tender and alluring to me.....

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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson


Ayurveda has changed my life. Thank you Sarah for brining this ancient wisdom into the mainstream.

Love Cherie

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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson

Hi Sarah.

I have tuned into your Meg Wheatly pod and threads.I have journeyed and spun with this collapse theory....tiggered and lay bear.It is all on show now as we are now personally...culturally...environmentally deep in predicaments that now seem to have no solutions.Yes the cluster fuck.Indeed the point of the meta crisis maybe exhaust our thinking to such a point we become stunned.. stilled.To know we are no longer equipped in this landscape of our making. No more pivots...no more plays in hand.No more doings to be done.

A place where we meet ourselves bare.Where we ask in all of this...What do i know....the truest felt knowingness of me.

In Following my life's leanings and it's lessons.That despite the well grooved threads of logic...data...science.I know something else is at play.

The unseen...the intangible...the orchestration of grander realms gathering momentum.To follow these elusive threads may indeed reveal something different .

An Emergence.

A theory a story a narrative a language perhaps of such exquisite eloquence that our minds...bodies and souls are only now capable of tuning into because we are done exhausted.

There are alot of us breathing into this realm now.

Abiding here more and more.

Trusting here.

These are our threads to follow for now.

Hopeism maybe.

But I'm in here.

This is my language.


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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson

I really struggle with Ayurvedic “medicine”. I follow a few Indian doctors on twitter and they share many interesting articles on how the practice creates problems throughout India. I’d be lying if I said I fully understand the dilemma these practitioners create but it seems the high level view is it’s too widely touted as the cure for everything when it isn’t. And people die because they don’t get proper treatments. TheLiverDoc is a great account to follow. But I am thankfully in good health so haven’t faced an issue personally

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by Sarah Wilson

I don't know much about Ayurveda, those tips you gave for Hashimoto are pretty reasonable, doable and I don't see them as having potential to cause harm. I have always found Chopra cringe, with a penchant for using word salads galore and woo-hoo talk. Yes, I did try reading some of his books years ago, not for me. Admittedly, I'm an atheist, not prone to being spiritual (whatever that may be), I can't help but be very suspicious of multi-millionaires, billionaires and anything "guru", and why are they always men? He's a huge business. While I know we all need to make a living, becoming a multi-millionaire from spirituality just doesn't sit well to me. Of course, if people find something works for them, I'm happy for them.

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Mar 18Liked by Sarah Wilson

I have been thinking of nothing else but how to answer this question for the last four days. At times I have felt like giving up completely by admitting that there is nothing anyone can do so why have I wasted my life giving a shit only to end up burnt out and unwell. However, it is so annoying and will continue to affect my life, I can't stop caring. What would I do? I think it is time for actions. These actions need to be inclusive and generated at ground level. I am not dismissive of what academics, authors and well-intentioned groups are doing. I would not like to imagine what it would be like without the work they have done and what they have been able to achieve. I wonder if I am not looking in the right places for the 'good news'. I feel there needs to be another Greta Thunberg moment where we can all take to the streets. I have ideas on how it could be done in a dynamic and constructive way - with energy and intelligence - and most importantly, a lot of fun. When you see a group of people having fun you are naturally attracted to the energy. When people feel included and energised they can become passionate and it is then that an alternative political party can be introduced - one that is driven by the good ethics that have now been established. Is this what the Teals have tried? We need to create a social media platform that is regulated by the good ethics that is dynamic, fun and popular - and again, inclusive. Re-introduce sustainable and healthy community structures - I think they used to be called suburbs - overpopulation is going to be the biggest challenge. And being able to speak scientifically and honestly that will require abolishing political correctness.

My concern is we don't have time. My greatest concern is the good people can't keep going while what they are passionate about is being destroyed and becoming extinct. Their energy reserves cannot be recharged.

But it is time for action. But not what the Extinction Rebellion are doing. They are alienating the cause. We need to make it cool to care. Then we need to provide an alternative government - being mindful that you can't ask too much more of the ordinary people struggling with the cost of living. It can be done. So, I'm going to get to work.

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Thank you very much for a clear, intelligent and sound piece of writing on Ayurveda. I have been for three treatments of five weeks each in a hospital in Coimbatore and they cured me of auto-immune chronic hepatitis. I am just starting to write on Substack. It's called 'the softer gaze'. Dominique Side

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Mar 14Liked by Sarah Wilson

My Vata self looks at all the ice bath community in wonder, does an about face and heads for the sauna 🤣

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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson

There are heaps of wonderful Ayurvedic practitioners here in Australia if anyone is interested in knowing more.

My teacher is the fabulous Robyn Lynch and she is an Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner and a wonderful woman (who happens to be in India as we speak!) Robyn is based in rural NSW, Cowra, on Wiradjuri land. She has years and years of experience and was taught at the Chopra Centre and by Dr Ajit.

She can be found at https://robynlynch.com/

Love Cherie

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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson

Oh, and I have had Hashimoto's for over 20 years ... will read that bit, too.

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Excellent information and thank you. I have been studying ayurveda formally for over 3 years and it has changed my life.

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Mar 30Liked by Sarah Wilson

I have Hashimoto’s and found this post fascinating. All resonates with me deeply.

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Mar 17Liked by Sarah Wilson

Another wonderful conversation and very personally relevant thank you Sarah.

I too have Hashimotos, as do my two sisters, my Mum and her Mum.

Oddly my brother escaped it but he has other autoimmune issues such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.

I’ve also had an autoimmune blood disorder as a teen resulting in a splenectomy and then Menieres Disease in my 30s. The Hashi stuff arrived in my 40s.

I too went to India to a Yoga/Ayuvedic retreat in Kerala back in 2009 where I was also found to be Vata Pita.

The vegetarian food, the nurturing oil massages every day with the same beautiful lady, the treatments, some of which were confronting. Fishy water into my sinuses was not fun, Shiodara oil on my forehead was divine.

Fresh coconuts with a straw to drink the coconut water afterwards wrapped up in a turban of love.

I felt divine when I left after 10 days of this and then I destroyed it all in a moment.

I stopped in Dubai on the way back to visit friends.

We went out for dinner that night, had food and wine and I ended in the toilets vomiting. Not from excess, just that my body couldn’t handle this change.

I felt so stupid, after everything I’d done I destroyed it in a moment.

Sadly this is how I see our world of quick fix and then resume your position.

It was a big lesson and I’m not proud of it.

I now try to balance my physical with my mental health as I know it’s all so connected.

I love the world of what works for you/me in exercise, in food, in a glass of wine that calms my mind, in peace and quiet and in friendships that fill my cup.

Ayurveda I feel is really about this balance X

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Mar 13Liked by Sarah Wilson

I identify as Kapha so much

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