Yes, yes yes! This is what the world needs. No more doom and gloom hand-wringing, but an army of inspiring, can-do people to motivate the rest of us into making the sacrifices and changes we each personally need to make in order to save our planet. Go for it Sarah, I can’t wait for your 2022 interviews with amazing people. Ps. I spent some of my lazy wet summer reading your latest book and loved it!

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I love this notion. I’m completely on board with the rage and frustration you have been expressing for the past year or so, but I feel that yelling about the establishment status quo is not likely to make anything change. Finding the people who really are going shake things up and getting behind them feels way more powerful than ranting.

For the record, if anyone out there has any brilliant ideas on how to harness the rage inside most women in their 50s, my mates and I could provide power for several small towns.

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I agree >3 I wrote about metamodernism three years ago in my book Supercharge Your Life <3 it was the way forward and still is to a degree.

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I promised myself not to watch any more shows about rich people but have enjoyed Succession and Schitt's Creek because they both show the flipside of mindless wealth that we have adulated for way too long. Mike Nichols' B Grade film 'Regarding Henry' (Binge) is also in this vein. Thank you for this newsletter - love your podcast, books and your attitude to Climate. Thank you for all that you do. You are exactly my age and you inspire me daily Sarah.

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I agree wholeheartedly with you regarding gen z. They’re awesome! My kids fall into the very tip (12-13) and they and their friends are so fabulous. SO non judgmental, like stuff just because it’s nice, have thick skin and feel compassion. And they’re very funny! They’re so cool!! But who cares bout cool! They’re like cats - they do things that feel good and right just because. 💗💗

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I absolutely love this idea Sarah! We need more sincere kindness to help innovate and create a better planet! No more ranting and rage that is all consuming and honestly just exhausting. Been catching up on your podcast - absolutely loved your chat with Abby and I cannot wait to hear more about metamodernism :)

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Sarah, wonderful newsletter as always. Would love to hear a good soul chat with yourself and Hannah Maloney - I’m sure between the two of you there is enough radical hope to get us all through another year :) Would also love to hear you put some hard questions to a willing politician (greens or a good independent) or perhaps some ex political advisers to give us an insight in to how this next election is going to play out and how we can all step up more in preparation for it. Thanks for all your incredible work :)

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Hi Sarah, If you're dipping into economics I'd love you to interview one of the three women - Kate Raworth, Stephanie Kelton and Marianna Mazzucato - trying to pull us out of the neoliberal tornado we're trapped in. A great piece by Steven Hail in The Conversation unpacks the economic truth of the movie Don't Look Up https://theconversation.com/dont-look-up-has-a-surprising-amount-to-tell-us-about-economics-much-of-it-useful-174399

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It's wonderful as a gen X to see the spark and positivity from gen Z.

I do in moments and I feel it's millenial who often annoy me with their drama and cotton wool syndrome

Love how you pick the awesome in humans and especially gen z who have no clue what we are referring to half the time

I have lots to learn off them obviously

And often have to reach out for tech type help

Imagine if all generations bound together and boomers stopped rolling their eyes at basically everyone except maybe the youngest youngest generations. Or at least have some slack. To gen X and Millenials who may never afford the luxury of buying a house this lifetime

Os some of us gen xers paid a ,65 K hecs debt fee (:( ) already paid off. That's half a house to me. And boomers were a little more forgiving.

That's just my boring weird take . In. This.moment.

Always subject to change.

And r.i.p

Beautiful gracious Thich nah hahn

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As a gen x, with 3 teens, gen z's - this resonates deeply!

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Ok… so I have just realised I’m a millennial. And here I was, rolling my eyes along with the rest of society at their lattes and avo on toast and how they (we’ll) never buy a house. And in my nostalgic pandemic viewing I binged watched…the OC LOL

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