Thank you Caitlin for the recommendation. I will definitely be investing in that wonderful book. I just skimmed the amazon preview and got goose bumps reading about how you and Lizzie were born in Canberra. Dr Cutter was also present at my daughter's birth and I remember one of the nurses saying "cutter by name, cutter by nature". Literally "painful" memories 😳
The work you are doing in MakeShift looks amazing. Encouraging our innate healing ability through creativity has got to be better than the more traditional methods 💕
Drawing is such a beautiful way to make space! You can find it here >
Thank you Caitlin for the recommendation. I will definitely be investing in that wonderful book. I just skimmed the amazon preview and got goose bumps reading about how you and Lizzie were born in Canberra. Dr Cutter was also present at my daughter's birth and I remember one of the nurses saying "cutter by name, cutter by nature". Literally "painful" memories 😳
The work you are doing in MakeShift looks amazing. Encouraging our innate healing ability through creativity has got to be better than the more traditional methods 💕
Oh my gosh! That's amazing. What a legacy of Dr Cutter 😂
Thank you for the book link, I will follow that up.