Thank you for this Chapter of gems Sarah. Yes - Be the change we want to see in this world. - and "frantically, furiously rallying others is not the answer." As parents at some stage we learn that cajoling and convincing does not work well, and what sits well with this line of thought is the airplane oxygen mask theory. Acceptance and no…
Thank you for this Chapter of gems Sarah. Yes - Be the change we want to see in this world. - and "frantically, furiously rallying others is not the answer." As parents at some stage we learn that cajoling and convincing does not work well, and what sits well with this line of thought is the airplane oxygen mask theory. Acceptance and non judgment is important and what better way of getting others involved if they come from their own true essence of wanting change, peace etc. There's as assumption at times that we know better and we are the only ones that can fix things. “Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others, but by simply accepting them as they are. True acceptance is always without demands and expectations.”
Thank you for this Chapter of gems Sarah. Yes - Be the change we want to see in this world. - and "frantically, furiously rallying others is not the answer." As parents at some stage we learn that cajoling and convincing does not work well, and what sits well with this line of thought is the airplane oxygen mask theory. Acceptance and non judgment is important and what better way of getting others involved if they come from their own true essence of wanting change, peace etc. There's as assumption at times that we know better and we are the only ones that can fix things. “Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others, but by simply accepting them as they are. True acceptance is always without demands and expectations.”
― Gerald G. Jampolsky,
Dianne, thank you for sharing your thoughts and the quote at the end.