Thanks as always Sarah. Your comment, “one must check one’s smugness! I’m aware that declaring from on high that some (lesser) people are just not ready for something as big and important as collapse is possibly very arrogant and separating” is one I ponder often. It is indeed separating and I remember a conversation I had with a Snr exe…
Thanks as always Sarah. Your comment, “one must check one’s smugness! I’m aware that declaring from on high that some (lesser) people are just not ready for something as big and important as collapse is possibly very arrogant and separating” is one I ponder often. It is indeed separating and I remember a conversation I had with a Snr exec a few years ago that his (our) responsibility/challenge was to value everyone equally, knowing that we were all different, with different strengths, capabilities, circumstances etc. He could not get his head around it and ultimately disagreed it was possible. For whatever reason I have always been introspective, reflective, questioning and some say courageous. I have chosen to leave secure jobs, cities, relationships when I become aware they are not meeting my needs, values, ideals… It’s often been lonely and I’ve been told I am self absorbed, too intense, too idealistic etc etc … I was also genetically gifted with an intellect and conditioned to look after myself. I am confident that no matter how little I have I will be ok. I’ve faced imminent death, disintegrated and retreated solo into the outback for months, on a personal journey, meditating, spending time with elders and returned even MORE reflective, clear sighted into this world of ideas and triviality and greed and renovations and people just getting on and doing what is expected of them, succeeding, or failing, trying to survive and without the inclination or ability or time or consciousness to consider anything more than what appears in front of them, anything more than what is affecting them right now…. And a LOT is affecting us all right now… this community recognises the root cause of our escalating and accumulating challenges… others can’t see beyond what they need to do to get by. I regard myself as very very lucky to have been gifted my genetic disposition and intellect… others have different inheritances and structural supports or barriers… is it my place to attempt to show people that what they see or think is not the complete picture, to burst their world, create in their mind the already shimmering fear they have about their lives, worth, choices? I worry that I come across as smug, arrogant, superior but I also know my warmth and openness and relatability break down barriers. I can talk to anyone… but not about what I see, think, feel… bc it is exactly those things that separate me… so I guess I resolve it by being a much better listener, empathising, connecting as much as I can… valuing the other as an equal and relating to them as they are, where they are… which, still, leaves me often lonely but also forces me to find my islands of sanity like here, other likeminded people (few) and my little garden with butterflies and birds and bees… I am finding these opportunities for connecting and reflecting in this forum so helpful… thank you. With love.
Thanks as always Sarah. Your comment, “one must check one’s smugness! I’m aware that declaring from on high that some (lesser) people are just not ready for something as big and important as collapse is possibly very arrogant and separating” is one I ponder often. It is indeed separating and I remember a conversation I had with a Snr exec a few years ago that his (our) responsibility/challenge was to value everyone equally, knowing that we were all different, with different strengths, capabilities, circumstances etc. He could not get his head around it and ultimately disagreed it was possible. For whatever reason I have always been introspective, reflective, questioning and some say courageous. I have chosen to leave secure jobs, cities, relationships when I become aware they are not meeting my needs, values, ideals… It’s often been lonely and I’ve been told I am self absorbed, too intense, too idealistic etc etc … I was also genetically gifted with an intellect and conditioned to look after myself. I am confident that no matter how little I have I will be ok. I’ve faced imminent death, disintegrated and retreated solo into the outback for months, on a personal journey, meditating, spending time with elders and returned even MORE reflective, clear sighted into this world of ideas and triviality and greed and renovations and people just getting on and doing what is expected of them, succeeding, or failing, trying to survive and without the inclination or ability or time or consciousness to consider anything more than what appears in front of them, anything more than what is affecting them right now…. And a LOT is affecting us all right now… this community recognises the root cause of our escalating and accumulating challenges… others can’t see beyond what they need to do to get by. I regard myself as very very lucky to have been gifted my genetic disposition and intellect… others have different inheritances and structural supports or barriers… is it my place to attempt to show people that what they see or think is not the complete picture, to burst their world, create in their mind the already shimmering fear they have about their lives, worth, choices? I worry that I come across as smug, arrogant, superior but I also know my warmth and openness and relatability break down barriers. I can talk to anyone… but not about what I see, think, feel… bc it is exactly those things that separate me… so I guess I resolve it by being a much better listener, empathising, connecting as much as I can… valuing the other as an equal and relating to them as they are, where they are… which, still, leaves me often lonely but also forces me to find my islands of sanity like here, other likeminded people (few) and my little garden with butterflies and birds and bees… I am finding these opportunities for connecting and reflecting in this forum so helpful… thank you. With love.
Your reflective powers are palpable.
This line - I am confident that no matter how little I have I will be ok.
... I have the same confidence, and I think it, too, comes from facing death in a few different ways in the past.
Thanks for being here and sharing your considered thoughts.