Sitemap - 2024 - This is Precious

French collapse + Jordan Peterson harpy terror

Free Sundays: Who wants to do a tech detox with me?

Q: How do you manage *all the information*, and how do you do activism (as a white woman)?

A new life for This One Wild and Precious Life in Australian and NZ

Q: How do you plan your life financially in the face of collapse?

My dating 16 years of no-shows

The “Uncles” climate case that could change EVERYTHING

If moloch were to go to therapy, this is how its psychosis would go

I was out camping, Liam Neeson reached out to me...and love in the time of war

"Woke" v "anti-woke" is boring and redundant... and dangerous

Paris, post-hope and the pause letter

Fertility is collapsing. Should we be worried?

Community thread: What if moloch is our invite to get playful again...?

I'm back in Paris, almost Huberman'd and how to live out of one bag for 16 years

Q: How do you, Sarah, deal with a broken heart?

Just some madnesses from the interwebs before I head back to Paris

The Ayurvedic take on Hashimoto's disease

Good morning. An admin email.

Q: What should we be doing to help, not hinder, in Gaza? Do our social media posts do ANYTHING?

How to handle unhinged comments like a helpful grown-up (and why we must!)

Ask me your Wild Podcast question here

Some themes in chaos machine-ing

Why I now distance myself from my mental illness diagnoses

Q: Do we create art in the apocalypse?

It's Moloch, dear self-flagellating souls!

Q: Why does hiking "work"?

Gaza: an "observably infinite number of sides".

Q: Why girls are flocking Left and boys are flopping Right

50 lessons I learned the hard way from half a century spinning in Earth's embrace

Q: Do you regret not having kids

Art is a weapon against despair

Community thread: What was your best holiday read? (Include your reason why and the best bit/takeaway we should know about)

I'm a dead-set duffer

A week of observations of a world collapsing into collapse

Desperately seeking: website fairydust sprinkler

Book diary: What we'd like to see die in the Apocalypse

Left women should *not* marry Right men

Community thread: Your best podcast find over the holidays?

Why we need to be worried about boys

On turning fifty